Doctrine of Horror / By Colonel Richard Black with Commentary by Rida Ali




To the Dear #American People,????????
When will your government stop destroying our lives?
????I am a #Syrian woman addressing you as a mother, sister, friend, and fellow human being.
????I was born in a country that once enjoyed peace and stability, living a dignified life filled with prosperity and tranquility, like millions of my fellow citizens.
???? But over a decade ago, everything changed. A war ignited and funded by your government, coupled with a terrorist occupation supported by your administration, devastated my country.
???? We were robbed of security and stability, and we now live in poverty, need, hunger, and suffer through freezing winters. We watched as our resources—oil and gas—were looted before our very eyes, while being threatened with having our homes destroyed if we resisted American forces.
????We, the #Syrian people, who have never harmed any #American, are paying a heavy price for your government’s policies—policies devoid of mercy and humanity, that show no respect for international laws or conventions.
????Every day, we live under the fear of death and destruction, enduring displacement, poverty, hunger, cold, and the constant threat of abduction, rape, and slaughter.
????I speak to you as a people because I believe your conscience will awaken when you hear the truth. Your government, which claims to defend democracy and human rights, has stolen our oil for ten years and continues to do so.
???? This oil, which once warmed our homes, fueled our transportation, and powered our factories, is now being used to fund terrorist groups committing horrific massacres against us.
????How can our army protect its homeland and people when our resources are being looted to support those who seek to kill us?
????Our wheat, a source of sustenance and food security, has been systematically and deliberately burned by #American shells.
???? Your government didn’t stop there. It stole Syria’s high-quality seed reserves and forced farmers to use poisoned seeds that degrade the soil for years.
????Once exporters of wheat to the world, we are now reliant on aid, while our children suffer from hunger and malnutrition. Many have developed stunted growth, a condition that threatens their early demise.
????Inhumane economic sanctions have worsened our suffering. Even during natural disasters, like earthquakes, we were denied modern equipment and medical aid, leading to a higher death toll, especially among children.
????Your government arms and trains terrorist groups that have killed, destroyed, and committed atrocities against us—from beheadings to selling girls in slave markets, raping women, slaughtering innocents, boiling children in hot water, burning men and women in ovens, and throwing people from rooftops.
????These groups do not fight for freedom, democracy, or human rights. They are a band of mercenaries from various nationalities, assembled, funded, and trained by your government, paid in dollars, and used as a false pretext for intervention.
???? In reality, they were deployed to destabilize our region to serve American agendas, ensuring Israel’s security at the expense of our blood.
????Your government didn’t stop there. It destroyed our infrastructure, looted our artifacts and heritage, and displaced millions of us. Turkey, a cheap tool of your government, exploited our suffering and profited from our tragedy, pretending to show humanity while stealing aid meant for those your policies had displaced, forcing them into camps with false and misleading slogans.
????Even the accusations against us of using chemical weapons were part of your government’s lies. It facilitated the smuggling of sarin gas through the #Turkish border into Syria to use it against us and justify intervention, then falsely accused our leadership for refusing to comply with its demands or normalize ties with Israel without reclaiming our occupied lands.
????How long will you continue to be deceived by these lies? Your government speaks of freedom while it kills nations and violates sovereignty. These terrorist groups have never attacked Israel but have destroyed every country in the region. Isn’t that enough to reveal your government’s true objectives?
????The time has come to stop these crimes. Enough support for killing and looting. Enough funding for groups spilling blood in your name and with your tax dollars.
????Please do not be complicit in our suffering. Stop your government. Stop the machine of death that operates in your name. Raise your voices for justice and humanity.
????I appeal to you on behalf of our starving children, violated women, and stolen lands. Stop your government from supporting terrorism, killing, and destruction. Stop these imperialist policies that disregard innocent lives and bully nations. Do not let yourselves become part of a death machine. Be part of the solution, not the tragedy that acts in your name. The world is watching, and history will not forgive.
????Thank you to Colonel #Richard Black for his recent statements exposing the shocking truths about the criminal role of the United States in Syria. The U.S. government continues to hide these truths from its people and the world. These statements also reveal the agendas led by the #US. administration to achieve its own interests at the cost of millions of innocent lives in both the East and the West.
Thank you
Rida Ali