Original Link Here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/renowned-oncologist-evil-covid-vaccines-caused-turbo-cancer-explosion/5876613
A world-renowned professor of oncology has issued a chilling warning about Covid mRNA “vaccines” after concluding that the “evil” injections have triggered a global “explosion” in cases of deadly “turbo cancers.”
The warning was issued by Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St George’s, University of London.
Prof. Dalgleish, who is best known for his groundbreaking contributions to HIV/AIDS research, raised the alarm during an international forum of experts investigating the mass Covid vaccination campaign.
While addressing the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International forum, founded by Dr. Stephen Frost and moderated by Charles Kovess, Dalgleish told the panel of experts:
“We must stop messenger RNA [mRNA] at all costs… it’s not only mad, it’s evil.”
“The problem with [mRNA] is you have to stabilize it,” Dalgleish explained.
“And…they’ve never been able to significantly stabilize it…so it won’t integrate and wreak havoc and self-replicate.”
Dalgleish continued by declaring any injections using the mRNA delivery platform, not just Covid “vaccines,” must be stopped “at all costs.”
He warned that he has seen an “explosion” of deadly “turbo cancers” in his patients who have received Covid mRNA injections.
“I’ve spent 30 years designing vaccines, cancer, and HIV,” the celebrated professor noted.
“And I’ve also been on the boards of major pharmaceutical, mid-range pharmaceutical, especially those involving vaccines, and more importantly… a company that calls itself the messenger RNA vaccine company.
“I was on that for five years, and I left seven years ago,” Dalgleish says.
“And I knew then that the problem with messenger RNA [is] you have to stabilize it.
“And after all these years, they’ve never been able to significantly stabilize it…so it won’t integrate and wreak havoc and self-replicate.
“Therein lies the problem,” Dalgleish asserted.
“The idea of giving it to cancer patients to try and interfere is one thing, and I could go along and support that 10, 20 years ago because I thought cancer vaccines were really important in gene therapy.
“That’s what I was doing,” he revealed.
“In fact, I was on the editorial board of a journal called Gene Therapy.
“So I do know an awful lot of what they accuse me of not knowing what I’m talking about
“But the idea that you’d give it to anybody other than a terminal cancer patient was never ever on.
“And until this pandemic was thought up and created and masquerading as an emergency, they couldn’t even [roll it out] for cancer treatment,” Dalgleish adds.
“So now we have…[England’s Chief Medical Officer Chris] Whitty and Morris and all these people say, ‘Ah, it’s fantastic. We’ve got a great way of producing… rapid vaccines for new viruses and things for children, what have you.’
“And that article I spoke about, it said that there would be no liability for Moderna and any of the companies with this.”
Dalgleish continues by noting:
“They want to go for diseases like RSV and flu, what have you, for children and young adults.
“That is the equivalent of exposing children to radium, on the ground.
“Let’s just see if it causes any problems in 10 or 20 years’ time.
“It’s not only mad, it’s evil. And we must stop it.
“And I’ll stop there because that is the big message I want to get across: We must stop messenger RNA at all costs.”
Dalgleish was one of several experts who joined the panel discussion to raise the alarm about the injections.
Multiple doctors raised major concerns about the impact of the “vaccines” that they’re seeing among their vaccinated patients.
This is not the first time Professor Dalgleish has sounded the alarm about the mRNA injections, however.
As Slay News reported, he recently appeared on national television in Australia and dropped multiple bombshells while blowing the whistle on Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
Dalgleish appeared in a 10-minute segment on Sky News Australia to warn the public that Covid mRNA injections are “not vaccines.”
He continued by warning that the Covid shots have “caused unbelievable problems and damage to people.”
Dalgleish told the Australian people that they have been lied to about the pandemic and the so-called “vaccines” by their government and the media.
Dalgleish continued by criticizing the hasty implementation and widespread use of experimental mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna.
He expressed grave concerns about these so-called “vaccines.”
“These ‘vaccines’ were not vaccines, particularly the ones that ended up after AstraZeneca with all the clots and they were shut down,” Dalgleish warned.
“But the messenger RNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna have caused unbelievable problems and damage to people, and I don’t think we will ever really be able to get over that!”
Dalgleish argues that Covid mRNA “vaccines” are the cause of skyrocketing excess deaths recorded all around the world since early 2021.
He also asserts that the injections are linked to surges in cancer, which he described as “turbo cancers.”
This phenomenon has been seen globally.
Highly vaccinated countries, such as the United States, Japan, the UK, Australia, and Singapore, have also seen deaths and deadly diseases spiking to unprecedented levels.
Dalgleish is among thousands of doctors, scientists, and academics who have signed a groundbreaking petition calling on governments around the world to issue an immediate ban on Covid mRNA “vaccines” due to an “alarming rise in disability and excess deaths” among those who received the injections.
The petition, known as the HOPE Accord, is signed by some of the world’s leading medical experts.
It makes five calls to the international community concerning the Covid mRNA “vaccines” while warning the public about the proven harms caused by the injections.
The HOPE Accord, which has been signed by 1900 doctors and over 2000 scientists and academics, warns that “a growing body of evidence suggests that they are contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.”
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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis for bringing this article to our attention.
Featured image is from Slay News
The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity
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