Swallows are Filling the Skies of Damascus…

Mark Taliano reporting from Damascus

Swallows are filling the Damascene skies. Darting, climbing, rolling, they’re a frenzy of Life amidst the spires, the minarets, and the sky-scraping buildings.

The terrorists, their rifles, their bombs, their bullets, their executions have all but been defeated.  Though some still linger in their deceits, their barbarity, and their death throes.

Damascans are just now tasting freedom from the fear, the bombs, the missiles, the death.

War has spoken, but it will not go quietly into the dark night. It has stolen Syria’s sons and daughters, her friends, and lovers.

Syrian mothers whose sons paid the highest price for us all.  Aleppo, Syria

The imperialists, vultures, fakes,  “humanitarian” whores, are rotting, but they are not gone. They still loot, and plunder, build their forts, and sell their guns. But their masks have fallen …  for all who care to see.


Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.Syria’s Children: “Condemned to Live”, Shackled by the Scars of US-NATO Terrorism