One year ago I was in Syria, and for my birthday on September 17 I learned that Western “Coalition” forces, who had been bombing illegally in Syria for years, had just murdered about 100 Syrian Arab Army soldiers who were stationed in the Jabal Thardeh1 area, where they were protecting the lives of their fellow Syrians from ISIS/Daesh terrorists.
The attack was no doubt executed in collaboration with ISIS, because immediately after the massacre, ISIS was able to occupy the strategically important position.
In terms of Western military strategy, little has changed except that now Syria and its allies are very close to restoring Syria’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity, as they crush the “opposition”, all of whom are supported by the West and its allies.
The West still wants to partition Syria, and for this they are using both “Kurdish” and ISIS “assets”. Coalition forces previously bombed bridges spanning the Euphrates, and ISIS assets did the same, so that they could better occupy and terrorize the oil-rich region. Meanwhile, Kurdish assets will be used to re-occupy and “legitimize” that which is not legitimate. The Kurds, ISIS, and the Coalition are all committing war crimes in their failing efforts to destroy and plunder Syria.
Dr Bouthain Shaaban2, political and media advisor to President Assad, recently remarked that US-backed SDF forces captured areas in northeastern Syria from Daesh “without any fighting,” thus demonstrating (yet again), the strategic collusion between SDF and Daesh to occupy and plunder the oil-rich areas, for the benefit of their imperial masters.
Every day, the West’s criminality becomes more transparent. Investigative reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva3, for example, recently uncovered primary-source documentation which demonstrates that the Pentagon falsified paperwork to covertly ship as much as $2.2 billion4 in weapons to terrorists in Syria.

HUGE: Pentagon caught doctoring records for $2.2 billion in weapons transfers from criminal orgs to #Syria militants …4139:18 AM – Sep 13, 2017Twitter Ads info and privacyBombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian RebelsA new bombshell joint report issued by two international weapons monitoring groups Tuesday confirms that the Pentagon continues to ship record breaking amounts of weaponry into Syria and that the…zerohedge.com664 people are talking about this
The West’s double-game of pretending to fight terrorism as it supports terrorism may soon be over in Syria. This will be cause for celebration in Syria, and it should be cause for celebration amongst Western populations as well.
READ MORE: The West’s “Fake Counterterrorism”: Syria Must “Independently” Defeat Terrorism
1 Leith Fadel, “US Coalition knew they were bombing the Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor.” AMN September 27, 2016. ( Accessed September 18, 2017
2 “ ‘Syria will be Freed Completely from any Aggressor’ ” – Dr Shaaban Challenges US Proxies.” 21st Century Wire, Setember 16, 2017. ( Accessed September 18, 2017.
3 Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, “350 diplomatic flights carry weapons for terrorists| Azerbaijan’s Silk Way Airlines transports weapons with diplomatic clearance for Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Congo.” July 2, 2017. ( Accessed September 18, 2017.
4 Tyler Durden, “Bombshell Report Catches Pentagon Falsifying Paperwork For Weapons Transfers To Syrian Rebels.” September 13, 2017.( Accessed September 18, 2017.
Global Research announces the forthcoming release of the print edition of Mark Taliano’s Book, “Voices from Syria” which includes one additional chapter.
Taliano talks and listens to the people of Syria. He reveals the courage and resilience of a Nation and its people in their day to day lives, after more than six years of US-NATO sponsored terrorism and three years of US “peacemaking” airstrikes.
Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes the mainstream media narratives on Syria. ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Mark Taliano, Global Research, 2017