MIRI WOOD / Syria News
Trump forces have looted more Syrian agricultural grains. On 10 January a convoy of 50 trucks and refrigerated containers left al Malikiyah, Hasakah — Syria — transporting them into Iraq via the illegal al Walid border crossing. This time the theft was focused on Syria’s barley. There is a certain western supremacy irony in the timing of this theft, as the besieged, outgoing Trump is reportedly about to do some photo ops at the US-Mexican border wall.

Wheat and barley — the staples of food around the world — were domesticated in the Levant 10,000 years ago. It is also a geopolitical irony that a country so young would engage in massive theft from a region that developed these essential foodstuffs.

The illicit Trump forces previously stole all the wheat reserves in the al Tawiba silo and “in the warehouses of Nama Company.”
The Trump regime forces criminally in Syria prefer to loot the agricultural foods and oil (video of his bragging about the oil theft, here) belonging to the Syrian people, but on occasion have gone the route of scorched earth policy, as when his criminals dropped incendiary bombs in Shaddadi wheat fields on the day of the Christian sabbath, in May 2020, setting fire to, and completely destroying 50 acres of crops.
The illicit Trump forces increase looting of Syrian food as his regime goes down in flames, assisted by those proverbial rats abandoning those sinking ships: This criminality and the imposition of the American exceptionalist, supremacist Caesar Act are part of the “maximum pressure Trump uses to force democracy down the throats of the ordinary Syrians by stealing their food out of their mouths.”
One further irony: The bipartisan fat cat war whores on Capitol Hill tried to pass the fake Caesar bill for years, but only finally succeeded by attaching it to the fascist NDAA, in December 2019; Trump had threatened to veto the new version, but caved at the last moment, instead signing it into law.
Had he stood firm (and the veto not been overridden), Caesar would have been nullified, and the same media which censored those who condemned his assassination of Iranian General Soleimani, would not have been able to censor the 45th president of the United States.
Trump forces continue to steal food from the mouths of Syrians, and the hysterically cackling politicians and stenographer-journalists continue to remain silent over this ongoing war crime.
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