Journalists undercover in Syrian province Idlib near the Turkish border have clearly proved that Idlib and its surroundings are under control of Al-Qaida. It is also a fact that jihadists in this region easily cross the border and enter Turkey
Original Link Here: Turkey’s neighbouring city Idlib of Syria under Al-Qaida control | soL InternationaL

Such clear images regarding “the Al-Qaida emirate” were obtained for the first time in Syrian province Idlib on the Turkish border. Jenan Moussa, a journalist from the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based Akhbar Al Aan, managed to secretly film the daily life in the city and its surroundings by sending three incognito journalists to Syria’s Idlib province.
Saying that all these three undercover journalists travelled through Idlib province, Moussa states that they secretly filmed these images with cell phones at the risk of their lives.
She also notes that getting caught while filming secretly with a cell phone could mean getting killed by Al-Qaida, and says that anonymous journalism is a necessity in Idlib because journalists working with clear identities face the risk of death or kidnapping as a reason for shooting secretly.
Moussa underlines that although Jabhat Al-Nusra has officially changed its name into Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, people in the city still continue to call this jihadist organisation as Jabhat Al-Nusra. Moreover, she remarks that the usage of the name, Al-Nusra, is still present everywhere even on the official documents of the jihadists terrorists. On the other hand, Jenan Moussa notifies that the images were filmed before Jabhat Al-Nusra officially changed its name to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham.
Stating that she had once again sent the undercover journalists to the region following this rename of the jihadist organisation, Moussa notes that the greatest change was the anonymization of checkpoints in the region and the removal of the symbols separating Jabhat Al-Nusra from Ahrar Al-Sham.
Secondly, Moussa says that some slogans of Al-Qaida covering the walls in the city were deleted.
Journalists, who have proved that there is a second crossing point designated especially for Al-Qaida-affiliated Ahrar Al-Sham terrorists and their families to pass the Turkish border under the control of Turkish soldiers near Güveçci crossing aside from the official border gate at Bab al-Hawa, point out that people have to register in a refugee camp inside Turkey to be able to get a permission to use this border gate.
Moussa emphasises that the undercover journalists in Idlib witnessed an anti-Al Nusra demonstration only in Maarrat al-Nu’man, a district of the Idlib Governorate in northwestern Syria.
Underlining that Jabhat Al-Nusra rules over most of the checkpoints in this province, Jenan Moussa reminds that the power of the jihadist organisation does not merely consist of checkpoints, but also dominates the courts, prisons and police forces.
One of the striking facts in the document prepared by Jenan Moussa and undercover journalists is that all roads from Idlib to Turkey are under control of Al-Qaida or Al-Qaida affiliated jihadist groups. This situation, therefore, reveals the fact that it seems impossible for Turkey’s ‘humanitarian aid’ and weapons sent through the Idlib line to reach so-called ‘moderate’ oppositions in Syria.
It is known that Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) have followed many aggressive policies towards the Syrian people and the Syrian government since the conflicts erupted in the region. Turkish government supplied much military equipment and financial assistance via hundreds of trucks for jihadist terror groups, including al-Qaida-affiliated factions in Syria especially through so-called ‘humanitarian foundations’ under the control of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT).

Quoting some of Al-Qaida slogans covering the walls in Idlib, Moussa states that one of these slogans is “Woman as a whole is pudendum (like external genitals), even her nails” in the image below:
In another slogan covering the wall as you can see below, it is written that “Democracy is shirk (polytheism”’:
And Moussa says, here it is written that “Shia enemies of Islam”