U.S. betrayed the Syrian people/ By Sheila Young

Letter to the Editor for Hutchinson News

Former special envoy to Syria James Jeffrey recently boasted about defying President Trump’s orders to withdraw troops from Syria-while pretending to do so!

Betrayal of the Syrian people began in April 2011, when the Obama administration participated in a 500 million dollar program to arm and train terrorist proxy armies to invade Syria and overthrow its secular government. Called “rebels” by Obama–they quickly targeted Christian and Alewite regions and massacred entire villages to gain territory.

Syrians joined their government’s army (SAA) in droves. Because they refused defeat, the U.S. tried a new tactic–romanticizing the Kurds with a massive media campaign ( to falselyvportray them as “good guys ” to justify U.S. interference and seizure of Syria’s oil).

American military presence in Syria prevents its government from reinstating control over al Qaeda-occupied territory. US forces often prevented the SAA from targeting or defending itself from ISIS. American interference is against international law and a shameful betrayal of the Syrian people.

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Sheila Young



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