UNSC, the United Nations Security Council, passed a new resolution on Syria to allow humanitarian aid introduction into Syria through one border crossing.
After a long heated deliberation between the members of the United Nations Security Council, members who support Al Qaeda and want to prolong the terror war on Syria spearheaded by NATO member states, and those who want to adhere to international law and respect the sovereignty of an establishing member state of the United Nations, Syria.
The existing mandate for sending ‘humanitarian aid’ into Syria expired yesterday, the 10th of July. The new resolution allows extending the introduction of ‘humanitarian aid’ through Bab Al Hawa border crossing with NATO member state Turkey into Idlib, the last stronghold of al-Qaeda in Syria. The extension is for one year.

This means that any other border crossing run by any other party than the Syrian Government is considered as illegal and the Syrian armed forces and their allies are not only allowed to target, but are obliged to do so.
NATO member states Germany and Belgium penned the initial draft resolution to extend the crossings for one year and increase the number of such crossings to 6. The situation today is totally different than when the 2165 UN resolution was passed in 2014, now that US-sponsored terrorist groups have lost the majority of the territories they gained back then, and the Syrian state increased its presence all over, therefore, logically, there’s no need for more crossings now, rather what was needed is enabling the Syrian state to eliminate all terrorist groups, not provide them with humanitarian and non-humanitarian aid to prolong the suffering of the Syrian people further.
Three countries abstained from the vote on the new UNSC resolution: Russia, China, and the Dominican Republic, there were no vetoes allowing the new resolution penned by NATO member states Germany and Belgium to pass.
Russia and China vetoed the previous draft resolution penned by NATO member states Germany and Belgium extending the border crossings to one year and adding new crossings, Russia presented a counter draft that very much is similar to the one passed but was vetoed by NATO member states because it includes a demand to lift the inhumane unilateral coercive measures against the majority of the Syrian people, and the new compromise was finally introduced.
Russia’s opposition to the resolution remained because it’s ignoring the request of the UN Secretary-General to include in it the demand to lift off the unilateral coercive measures (draconian sanctions) imposed on the Syrian people, the 18 million of them not living in the last ‘safe haven’ of al-Qaeda in Idlib province, but Russia didn’t veto the new resolution since there are civilians that might benefit from this crossings until Idlib is cleaned from NATO-sponsored terrorists.
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