Nephew of President John F. Kennedy, son of Robert F. Kennedy, and tireless crusader against the tyranny of the mainstream medical establishment, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joins today’s Liberty Report to discuss his startling discoveries about who really killed his father and uncle…and why.
Plus, Mr. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer, has been among the most vocal and most successful opponents of the mainstream medical establishment, driven by big Pharma to inoculate and medicate everything that moves. He tells the Liberty Report how he very reluctantly decided to dedicate his career to fighting the mandatory vaccines that have resulted in so many documented injuries to the recipients. Don’t miss this very special edition of the Liberty Report:
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READ MORE: Video: Mueller Report Decimates ‘Russiagate’ Hoax – What’s Next?
The original source of this article is The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
Copyright © Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Daniel McAdams, The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, 2020