Western-Imposed Al-Sharaa Regime Seeks to Disappear Syria’s Pluralist, Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Religious Identity

The following video from Maaloula, 2019 offers important insights into what is happening today in Syria beneath the imposed regime of Western-supported al Qaeda. The speaker notes that when the terrorists attacked Maaloula in 2013 “their vision and mission was destruction.”


In September 2013 when al Nusra attacked this monastery, they were adamant to destroy it. They were more interested in... in destroying it, and making it vanish, and making all this holy worship place phased completely off this ground more than anything else. So it was destruction, their vision and mission was destruction, complete destruction. Even rather than stealing artifacts, they were destroying artifacts.

Were they attacking Muslim areas as well? Muslim, religious areas?

Yes. Anybody who is not with them, who is not allied with them, was regarded as an enemy of their own enemy.

Including the mosques?

 Including mosques. This is an area which has hosted Muslims and Christians, but at the same time working in harmony at the same time. Initially what they did, they tried to categorize the ... of radicalizing the other youth.

At the latest stage, if they couldn't radicalize the Muslim youth, they attacked their families on the streets. But in their vision, it was mainly destruction. That's it. We want to destroy. We want to phase out this worship places. It's such a hard work. That's what they were calling for.

And can you tell us which gangs were involved here?

Al-Nusra, so there was a groups of Al-Nusra. There was Ahrar al-Sham and Al-Nusra was the main group from that town. 
And what's another name for Al-Nusra?

Al Qaeda.Al Qaeda-affiliated

Thank you

... al Nusra groups ... in Lebanon

Now that Al Joulani and his sectarian gangs have taken over the elected Syrian government, (1) they seek, once again, to erase Syria’s pluralist, multi-ethnic, multi-religious identity.

In a recent article for Global Research, “Under the New ‘Freedom-bringing’, ‘Diverse’, Syrian ‘Government’, Minorities Are Being Hunted Down, Tortured and Killed” award-winning journalist Eva Bartlett dispels the notion that the terrorists are “holding so-called war criminals accountable” through her observation, in reference to a video that, “the sole reason for this brutality is their (the Alawaites’) faith.” (2).

Ominously, according to The Cradle, when asked about the atrocities in West Syria, al Joulani, now named al-Sharaa, indicated that, “This is normal and may continue for two or three years.”


(1) Mark Taliano, “When the Lie Becomes the Truth”, Global Research, 22 January, 2025. (https://www.globalresearch.ca/when-lie-becomes-truth/5877893) Accessed 01 February, 2025.

(2) Eva Bartlett, “Under the New ‘Freedom-bringing‘, ‘Diverse’, Syrian ‘Government’, Minorities Are Being Hunted Down, Tortured and Killed.” Global Research, 31 January, 2025 (https://www.globalresearch.ca/under-new-freedom-bringingdiverse-syrian-government-minorities-hunted-down-tortured-killed/5878743) Accessed 01 February, 2025.