Portugal: The Most Vaxxed Country in Europe Now Has “Its Worst COVID Outcomes”/By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Jordan Schachtel

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Jordan Schachtel

Global Research, July 01, 202230 June 2022

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What is occurring Worldwide is a massive increase in mortality and morbidity attributable to the Covid vaccine.

The mainstream media reports in chorus point to an increase in Covid cases (PCR positive), without acknowledging that the surge in hospitalizations as well as mortality is largely attributable to the vaccine. 

In January 2021 at the the very outset of the vaccination program, a mass funeral protest for children who died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was held in Geneva, Switzerland.(Bitchute Channel, and  Telegram channel)


The Home and Antigen Tests: Pushing Up the Numbers

The other factor which has been carefully ignored is the marketing worldwide of billions of home and antigen test kits which has contributed in the course of the last few months to “pushing up the numbers” of so-called confirmed COVID-19 positive cases, which in turn has contributed to sustaining the fear campaign.

“In the U.S. more than a billion test kits were made available for a population of 340 million Americans.

In Canada, 291 million test kits were distributed. Canada’s population is 38.5 million.”

For further details see:

Biggest Lie in World History: There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, July 1, 2022


Incisive analysis by Jordan Schachtel on Portugal, The Most Vaccinated Country in the EU

Virtually every single adult in Portugal has taken at least two doses of “miracle cure” COVID vaccine, with the vast majority “boosted” as well. Yet this month, the most vaxxed country in Europe has consistently reported its worst outcomes.


Once thought to be the best positioned nation in Europe to deal with future bouts with the coronavirus, a nuclear bomb of reality has hit Lisbon.

Out of all the countries in Europe, “Portugal has experienced the most dramatic wave,” The Guardian reports. “With infections per million remaining at a seven-day average of 2,043 on Monday – the second highest new case rate in the world.”

It appears the “miracle cure” vaccines have not only not failed to curb the COVID issue, but has potentially made it worse.

Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier

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Copyright © Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Jordan Schachtel, Global Research, 2022

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