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Tag: #Al Qaeda

Thank you Tulsi Gabbard for Condemning Washington’s on-going support for al...

https://twitter.com/i/status/1366467525475594241 Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa I am glad to hear that some of my former colleagues in Congress are speaking out against the recent unconstitutional airstrikes...

Voices from Syria: Adra Massacre, December 2013

From Mark Taliano's "Voices from Syria": A witness to the massacre that was perpetrated by foreign-backed terrorist groups in Adra area In Damascus countryside...

Washington, Canada, and Allies, support al Qaeda in Syria, Yemen, and...

https://twitter.com/i/status/1294685610704343040 READ MORE: https://uprising.today/yemeni-forces-deal-massive-blows-against-al-qaeda-and-saudi-invaders/

Al-Qaeda Storming Jesr al-Shughur Hospital in 2015/ Fares Shehabi


Al-Qaeda Leader Abu Mohammad Al Joulani praises Canadian-supported White Helmets/ Commentary...

#WhiteHelmets promoted by Al Qaeda in Syria #Idlib again. Yesterday, Al Qaeda leader, Abu Mohammad Al Joulani, praised the UK FCO-incubated White Helmets operating in Al Qaeda dominated...

The US-orchestrated policy of crop burning in Syria is deliberately increasing...

https://youtu.be/b_NOJoC0HN0 More and more agricultural areas of Syria are being torched by the US Coalition terrorist contras, ensuring the Syrian people suffer further Western-manufactured food...

UN Security Council extends aid runs for Al Qaeda in Idlib/...

“Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfortably after the United Nations Security Council extended...

War Propaganda and the West’s War of Terror against Syria and...

Washington-led NATO has always sought to destroy Syria as a functioning state. In order to achieve this goal, its air campaign and its terrorists have continuously...