Home Tags #Al Qaeda

Tag: #Al Qaeda

ISIS/Al Qaeda in the Middle East and Ukraine’s “Neo-Nazis”: Two Sides...

Western-supported ISIS/al Qaeda and western-supported neo-Nazis are two sides to the same Imperial coin. They are the product of the West’s moral degradation, its disdain...

False Flag Terrorism

Monopoly media news fabricators would have us believe that false flags are conspiracy theories.  In the real world, however, false flag terrorism is military doctrine....

US-NATO “Humanitarian Interventions” have Resulted in “Crimes against Humanity”…

The West and its allies are perpetrating unspeakable yet well-documented crimes against humanity as Washington forges ahead with its pre-planned agenda to destroy non-compliant...

Terror Inc. and the War on Libya

“Human rights” or “democracy” have nothing to do with current wars of conquest except that these words are used as cover to hide institutionalized...