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Tag: Aleppo

Victims of Rashideen Betrayed & Politicized by Western Media, Exploited by...

21st Century Wire, September 29, 2017 “They sieged us, starved us, mocked us and then tempted our children with potato chips before blowing them up....

SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and...

21st Century Wire A May 2014 Guardian headline from Martin Chulov whitewashing terrorist faction crimes in East Aleppo. Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire The war in Syria has...

Memories from Aleppo, 2018. Interview with Pierre Le Corf

https://youtu.be/K5ybiJ_a0dk Aleppo, April 2018 Videos - OneDrive (live.com)     Pierre Le Corf Someone whom I think of as a hero, he is one of my heroes, Pierre...

Eva Bartlett Reporting from Aleppo/November 5 and 6, 2016

November 5, 2016 *most western journos who go here wear flak and helmets, a luxury I've never had, nor would I wear...

Eva Bartlett and Fares Shehabi on Syria’s War Against NATO Terrorism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2uyKdrpBLc&fbclid=IwAR1ytPPjr0NLkdK9nuHkKb668i87ze2_uv22yfFmEFwPzUN8jIUHCMB57BI Fares Shehabi shared his post with these words: "Years ago, we did everything we could after the liberation of the city to recover production.....

Aleppo Did Not “Fall”. It was Liberated. Interview with Mr....

Interview: April 2018 Mainstream media and Western governments would have us believe that when the Syrian Arab Army defeated al Qaeda/al Nusra Front in Aleppo,...

Videos from Syria, 2018

https://www.facebook.com/1386884714/videos/pcb.10223788023353672/10223787933591428/ https://www.facebook.com/1386884714/videos/pcb.10223788023353672/10223787943551677/ https://www.facebook.com/1386884714/videos/pcb.10223787656504501/10223787654544452/ https://www.facebook.com/mark.taliano/videos/10223794189427820

NATO Wars Against Freedom and Justice and Humanity

NATO commits Supreme International War Crimes Against Peace as military doctrine. The criminality is normalized. Perceptions are inverted and Western populations are...

When the LIE is accepted as the Truth

Aleppo 2018. NATO war damage.