Home Tags #Damascus

Tag: #Damascus

Damascus, Palm Sunday Celebrations


Syria and Syrians Restore Our Common Heritage/ By Rida Ali

Incredible efforts by our talented #Syrian restorers at the National Museum of #Damascus to recover our iconic busts from #Palmyra, which were damaged at the hands of #US-backed #ISIS before the...

Syrian Spirit! By Eva Bartlett, October 20, 2019

https://youtu.be/X7kQFKd54Rw While walking in old Damascus yesterday, a boy wanted to practice his English with me. He was so charming I asked if I...

What the People Have Seen Can Not Be Unseen/ Commentary and...

https://www.facebook.com/vanessa.beeley/videos/10159316402618868/ When I was last in Damascus and interviewed George and Jean Ibrahim about their horrific experience during a terrorist shelling of Jean's school in April...