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Tag: #Honduras

Hondurans Repudiate Corrupt U.S.-Backed Coup Regime at Polls/ By Jeremy Kuzmarov

Original Link Here Elect leftist Xiamora Castro as first female president in a blow to Washington and the party of Narco-Dictator, Juan Orlando Hernández, who...

Xiomara Castro and Libre Party win elections in Honduras/ By Wyatt...


Human Rights, Corruption and the Canada-Honduras Free Trade Agreement: The Assassination...

On March 3 2016, human rights and indigenous leader Berta Caceres was assassinated. Berta’s martyrdom now serves as a global symbol of the struggle for...

Honduras forced into a race to the bottom

Hondurans are not lazy, they’re not inferior, and they’re not communists. They are, however, victims of a (self-devouring) globalized corporatocracy, especially since the military...

Canada, Honduras, and Enslaving “Free Trade”

Resource-rich Honduras, once considered the “bread basket of Central America”, is now a failed state. Bertha Isabel Caceres Flores Ienca, an indigenous leader in Honduras is...