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Tag: Idlib

Who is “Winning” and Who is “Losing”/ The “Transnational Corona Crisis”...

The "Corona crisis" is a transnational crisis fabricated on a bedrock of unreliable evidence. People and institutions are making decisions in crisis based on unreliable...

Tulsi Gabbard on Idlib

https://www.facebook.com/TulsiGabbard/videos/786607651828621/ Transcript by Rawan R. Mahmasa: The biggest and most powerful Al Qaeda enclave in the world today is in Idlib, Syria. Brett McGurk the former US...

“We give our blood to keep this country, Syria”/ Interview...

"We give our blood to keep this country".  Ali Haifa is the director of Mhardeh power station, in Northern Hama, besieged by various extremist armed...

Liberate Idlib and Syria: The Martyred of Mhardeh Speak Through the...

October 04th, 2018 By Eva Bartlett  HARDEH, SYRIA — (War Report) On September 7, Mhardeh, a small Christian town in northern Hama, was targeted with nine Grad missiles...

Terrorist-linked White Helmets reportedly filmed new fake chemical attack in Syria/Pearson...

One America News Network https://youtu.be/WdWXVPGZQbo According to reports, the terrorist-linked White Helmets are preparing to stage a new chemical attack as Syria’s army closes in...

UN Security Council extends aid runs for Al Qaeda in Idlib/...

“Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfortably after the United Nations Security Council extended...

Imperial Duplicity and Mass Murder

Photo Credit: Vanessa Beeley, Discovery of mass graves in Raqqa - murdered by US-sponsored proxy forces SDF and ISIS.

Do you choose the Truth or War Propaganda? Your choice makes...

We first start to lose the truth when we enter the ring of war propaganda, which is the Western press. The lies, the omissions, the false...

War Propaganda and the West’s War of Terror against Syria and...

Washington-led NATO has always sought to destroy Syria as a functioning state. In order to achieve this goal, its air campaign and its terrorists have continuously...

Civilization Versus Barbarism. Why Does the West Support Al Qaeda?

The civilized world should be celebrating the fact that Syria and its allies are on the cusp of defeating al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria. If Canada,...