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Ukraine, Russia and the repercussions for Syria/ By Vanessa Beeley

Original Link Here: Ukraine, Russia and the repercussions for Syria | Vanessa Beeley on Patreon The following are my notes for my interview on Syria...

Did you Know?/ By Basma Qaddour

In January 2014, the former Italian Minister of Defense Senator Mario Mauro narrated that he went to the Iraqi Kurdistan area in 2009 where...

Qassem Soleimani’s daughter: My father saved the world from ISIS &...

(E961) Qassem Soleimani’s daughter: My father saved the world from ISIS & Al-Qaeda, Trump is a monster! On this world exclusive episode of Going Underground, we speak...

Syrian Catholic Bishop: Were it not for SAA and Russia, we...

Syriac Catholic Bishop: Were it not for SAA & Russia, we would have been eliminated - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuog5AqE4SU Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa First of all, I'd like...

ISIS-affiliated Terrorists Assassinate a Mayor in Daraa Countryside/ By Arabi Souri

Original Link Here Remnants of ISIS and Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists assassinated the mayor of Al Nuaymah (Elnaymah) town in the eastern countryside of Daraa earlier in the...

Syria: Undeclared US-NATO War of Aggression, Using Al Qaeda Terrorism as...

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 13, 2021 First published on January 28, 2017. Mid-March 2011. Ten Years Ago, Marks the Commencement of the War on Syria *** The following...

SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and...

21st Century Wire A May 2014 Guardian headline from Martin Chulov whitewashing terrorist faction crimes in East Aleppo. Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire The war in Syria has...