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Tag: #Libya

Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What...

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 20, 2021 Original Link Here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/destroying-a-country-s-standard-of-living-what-libya-had-achieved-what-has-been-destroyed/26686 20 September 2011 Ten Years ago. March 19, 2011 marks the commencement of the US-NATO led...

Libya: When Historical Memory is Erased

In the square the banners of King Idris wave By Manlio Dinucci Global Research, February 20, 2021 Il manifesto 28 February 2011 It happened ten years ago: US-NATO’s “humanitarian...

Libyan “ratline” of Weapons To Syria

READ MORE: The Criminal West’s State Sponsorship of Terrorism: “A -Team”— al Qaeda and ISIS

Terror Inc. and the War on Libya

“Human rights” or “democracy” have nothing to do with current wars of conquest except that these words are used as cover to hide institutionalized...