Home Tags #Lockdowns

Tag: #Lockdowns

“Covid-19 Mandates and Restrictions”: A Letter to Public Health Officers

By Dr. Anton de Ruiter, Dr. Jan Vrbik, and et al. Global Research, September 14, 2021 OCLA 13 September 2021 All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating...

Truth about Lockdowns

https://vimeo.com/552680284?fbclid=IwAR3knxdbtFJJvp8BqE22R2cAKUJGPAHTG9I-LaZ005L2iMHQjdonUEQ3k60 Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa: Dr. Yeadon: And yet they've got you fearful that children are going to have to catch it and die, pregnant women...

Lockdowns and Fear-Mongering Kill People/ Dr. Scott Jensen


Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence

AIER Staff – December 19, 2020 The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has...

International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals

The lockdown « a global scientific fraud of unprecedented proportions » By United Health Professionals Global Research, February 18, 2021 United Health Professionals We bring to the attention...

“Prof Jay Bhattacharya, Signatory of Gt Barrington Declaration: Why ‘Lockdown’ Will...


Death by Lockdown/ By Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker – November 2, 2020/ American Institute for Economic Research On March 28 – very early in the pandemic – AIER published...