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Tag: #Maaloula

Imperial Weapons Against Humanity

St. Takla Shrine, September 2016/ Photo by Mark Taliano   Syrians are, first and foremost, human beings. The notion that they can be accurately described as...

A Blessed christmas To You All from Maaloula Syria/ By Hadi...


DAMASCUS: Honouring Maloula’s Martyrs – The Long Road Home/By Vanessa Beeley

APRIL 25, 2017 BY VANESSA BEELEY Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire In 2013,  six young men were kidnapped from the ancient Christian town of Maloula, during the NATO and...

Imperialists Misuse Religion to Serve as an Instrument of War against...

Before the pre-planned Western dirty war on Syria, Syrians respected each other’s religions as a personal matter of the soul.  Politics and religion were...