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Tag: #Pierre_LeCorf

Memories from Aleppo, 2018. Interview with Pierre Le Corf

https://youtu.be/K5ybiJ_a0dk Aleppo, April 2018 Videos - OneDrive (live.com)     Pierre Le Corf Someone whom I think of as a hero, he is one of my heroes, Pierre...

Aleppo’s Liberation from Western- supported terrorists/Carla Ortiz interviews Pierre Le Corf/...

https://www.facebook.com/carla.o.oporto/posts/10154490144492251?comment_id=10157102851867251&notif_id=1594296063507882&notif_t=feed_comment_reply Carla Ortiz was live.July 9, 2017 ·  Live with french activist @pierrelecorf founder of @heroesworldtour We are superheroes who was hurt by mortars in #Aleppo during the war! #insideofsyria #uncut #viicrofsyria #syria #Aleppo #truth #Peace #endofwar

Impacts of Criminal Western Embargo Against Syria and Syrians. / Video...

Pierre Le Corf June 23 at 4:24 PM #Docu #وثائقي #عربى #Français #EnglishPrenez ces quelques minutes s’il vous plaît, je vous le demande comme un service, c’est vraiment important....