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Tag: #Syria

The Earthquake, What a nightmare!/ By Rawan Mahmasa

Syria is always struggling in this life. Wars, siege, terrorism and shortage of food and supplies.. all of these crimes were nothing compared to...

Who Is ISIS?

#Syrian President Bashar al Assad sums up the dirty war on #Syria in less than three minutes. -- Prof. Anderson

Western Governments, Including Canada, Support Sectarian Terrorists Who Slaughter Christians In...

READ MORE: An open letter from Syrian Priest to his holiness Pope Francis: Damascus awaits you How Washington led the purge of Christians from its ‘New...

Imperial Weapons Against Humanity

St. Takla Shrine, September 2016/ Photo by Mark Taliano   Syrians are, first and foremost, human beings. The notion that they can be accurately described as...

Christmas In Liberated Syria


Eva Bartlett puts Norwegian journalist in his place on media lies...

Eva Bartlett puts Norwegian journalist in his place on media lies in Syria - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhUXBI2LHsM Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa Journalist: When you talk about the Syrian people...

Syria: Last Frontier Between Good and Evil

Features Jeffrey Sachs, Mick Wallace, and Helga Larouche.

A Western-backed war couldn’t destroy Syria, now sanctions are starving its...

Women walk at a market in Douma, in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, Syria March 10, 2021. Picture taken March 10, 2021. © REUTERS/Omar...

Western Assault on Civilization and Freedom/ Interview with Ayssar Midani

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IcnMDf17XU Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa Mark: Here we are again in Syria, beneath the lovely palm trees. Damascus, Syria, with the lovely Syrian people, so friendly and...

Father Zahlahoui speaks about the Syrian elections/ By Vanessa Beeley

https://youtu.be/Ni0Ee1iCivU Original Link Here This humble and defiant Priest is an inspiration to me and has been since I met him a few years ago. He...