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UN General Assembly demands Israeli occupation full withdraw from occupied Syrian...

2 December، 2021 New York, SANA- The United Nations General Assembly has renewed the adoption of a resolution by a majority of member states calling...

The United Nations and Western Governments Endorse Shocking Vaccine Mandates, Violating...

“No Jab, No Job” Hospital Workers Protest: “2020: Heroes, 2021: Fired and Unemployed” By Carla Stea Global Research, August 31, 2021 All Global Research articles can be read...

Scoundrels and gangsters at UN: Silencing the Syrian narrative/ By Eva...

Eva Bartlett Eva Bartlett is a Canadian independent journalist and activist. She has spent years on the ground covering conflict zones in the Middle East,...

French diplomat Michel Raimbaud, “Beyond the pandemic, geopolitics as usual”...

Last week, the French diplomat Michel Raimbaud sent to me an analysis he wrote under the title "Beyond the pandemic, geopolitics as usual" . I...

UN Security Council extends aid runs for Al Qaeda in Idlib/...

“Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in the north of Syria and oppressing millions of Syrians can now breathe comfortably after the United Nations Security Council extended...

Permanent War and Poverty. Acting on Behalf of Washington, the UN...

Washington’s global hegemonic project of war and poverty has extended its reach into the recesses of the United Nations. Whereas the steady flow of Syrian...

United Nations as Agency for Imperialism. Flawed Report Relies on Al...

A recent report by the U.N Commission of Inquiry on Syria, fruit of terrorist- perpetrated false flag attacks, such as the incident at Khan Shaykhun,...