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Tag: #White_Helmets

INTERVIEW: SAA Commando, Life on Aleppo’s Front Lines/ By 21st Century...

One man’s incredible story, defending the people of Aleppo… Original Link Here On this past episode of the SUNDAY WIRE SHOW host Patrick Henningsen spoke with...

Syrian Catholic Bishop: Were it not for SAA and Russia, we...

Syriac Catholic Bishop: Were it not for SAA & Russia, we would have been eliminated - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuog5AqE4SU Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa First of all, I'd like...

A New Chemical Attack False Flag Unfolding against Syria/ By Miri...

Original Link Here Another chemical attack false flag seems to be unfolding against Syria. Within 13 hours of this journal suggesting that the Nazi junta...

Eva Bartlett puts Norwegian journalist in his place on media lies...

Eva Bartlett puts Norwegian journalist in his place on media lies in Syria - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhUXBI2LHsM Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa Journalist: When you talk about the Syrian people...

White Helmets Prepare another Chemical Attack False Flag in Idlib/ By...

Original Link Here White Helmets have again been caught in yet another preparation for a false flag in Idlib, Syria, according to intelligence received through...

WHITE HELMETS: Organ Traffickers, Child Kidnappers,Thieves, Terrorists, Propagandists… or “Saints”?/ By...

Original Link Here The White Helmets, “volunteers” who reportedly “rescue Syrians from rubble.” Never in history has such a group been so feted by the...

White Helmets as Al-Qaeda “mop up” crew/ By Vanessa Beeley

https://twitter.com/i/status/1226397478007771136     READ MORE:   White Helmets Exposed - Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group — Steemit    

Vanessa Beeley Counters BBC War Propaganda

1. Did the #BBC interview anyone from the REAL Syrian Civil Defence for their #MaydayRescue propaganda? Established in 1953, in #Syria - #WhiteHelmets stole equipment fm...

How We’re Misled About Syria: UK Propaganda and the BBC/By Tim...

Tim Hayward Previous posts about misleading Syria coverage – from MSF, Amnesty International, Channel 4 and George Monbiot of the Guardian – used the past tense in their title. However, this...

BBC Launches Whitewash Campaign for al Qaeda-linked White Helmets

How majority of Syrians view the #BBC which has today launched its protection campaign of #AlQaeda-linked #WhiteHelmets responsible for the #Douma "chemical attack"...