Teach Voices From Syria

Nobel Peace Laureate tells Her Account of What She Witnessed in...

https://youtu.be/msA35ATXol8?si=NRWDlUxXMFGPGR42 82,569 views Jul 9, 2013 Nobel Peace Prize laurete, Mairead Maguire tells her account of her visit. While Maguire was there she discovered that the...

Syria By Admissions

https://youtu.be/9uBN522X-FA READ MORE: https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-crimes-against-syria/5820677

Crimes Against Syria

Washington-led Empire's criminal war on Syria is a war against civilization itself. Empire, with its legacy media accomplices, hides behind veils of fabricated lies to...

NATO is an Alliance of War and Destabilization, Not Peace

      h https://vk.com/video567158048_456254118 READ MORE: Ukraine Crisis: Transcript of Leaked Nuland-Pyatt Call. “F**k the EU” US bombing of Iraq and Syria is illegal aggression - Occupiers have no...

Teach Voices from Syria/Videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11miTqef40E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FW6v6Dzw0eQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSxBYvLJga8&t=35s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHIxJQAOIQ

Voices from Syria, Second Edition/ By Mark Taliano and Basma...

https://vimeo.com/530898881 Same video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaHIxJQAOIQ&t=40s

War on Syria Presentation, November, 2016

NewVisionChurchPresentation - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRNEuEWiyVw&feature=youtu.be

How to teach the truth about Syria

Do Not Enter The Ring Of Colonial War Propaganda. What does that mean? It means this: Do not compartmentalize. Always include the Big Picture. It is a...

“Voices from Syria” and “The Dirty War on Syria”: Mark Taliano...

Voices from Syria by Mark Taliano and The Dirty War on Syria by Tim Anderson: Purchase these two essential books on Syria for one low price. *SPECIAL...

White Helmets Powerpoint Presentation
