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Syria Insider interview with Eva Bartlett: elections celebrations and cruelty of...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOfzKn57yYY&t=68s Syria Insider interview_ elections celebrations & cruelty of W. sanctions against the Syrian people.mp4 Speaker 1 Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome...

Virginia Sen.Richard Black [ Retired]: Syrian election victory is almost like...

Virginia State Senator Richard Black has described the 2021 Syrian presidential election victory as is "spectacular", saying  that President Bashar Al-Assad was widely...

Syrian Presidential Elections, Syrian Voices/ Interviews by Eva Bartlett

https://twitter.com/i/status/1397563384812474370 Transcript by Rawan Mahmasa: E: What do you think of today?   Of course, Today is a historical day. Victory is written and renewed for Syria and for our...

Syria and Syrians say NO to foreign interventions in their internal...

Over the past days, Syria has witnessed huge popular rallies and marches to show the world that the majority of Syrians stands by...

Syria Now / By Rida Ali

In spite of 10 years of barbaric terrorist #US-led war against Syria, #Syria holds its Parliamentary elections for the People's Assembly for the...